BAsset Tools: Blender to Unity Asset Pipeline
:: Features Demo | Documentation ::
BAsset is a JSON asset format that provides a powerful method of transferring arrangments of objects from Blender into Unity as a prefab.
My goal was to develop a method to export node groups or objects with linked mesh data from Blender without having to 'bake' or 'freeze' the result into a mesh. A BAsset file contains a list of instance names where each instance is assigned a list of transforms. In Unity, the importer searches your asset database for prefab or mesh assets with a name that matches the instances defined in the basset file and then instances those assets in 3d space within a prefab game object which you can drag/drop into your scene as a normal asset.
The BAsset tools aim to provide you with a powerful workflow that lets you use all of Blender's tools for placing objects and then export the result to Unity with a simple click. There are some additional features, for exporting FBX from Blender in a single click, and for copying a selection of FBX or BAsset files into prefabs in Unity, which allows you to modify the asset, adding additional components or scripts.
For an in-depth look at all the features, check out the documentation or watch the demo video.
- Quick-Export FBX
- Export Selection as BAsset
- Import BAsset as Prefab
- Auto Detect Instance Assets
- Edit Assigned Instance Assets
- Copy FBX or BAsset to Prefab
:: Features Demo | Documentation ::
BAsset Tools, a Blender to Unity Asset Pipeline